Pope’s Grotto in Twickenham

Scholars’ Grotto

Pope’s Grotto in Twickenham, drawn by John Searle, 1745
Pope’s Grotto in Twickenham, drawn by John Searle in The Plan of Mr. Pope’s Garden, 1745.
GROT. n.s. [grotte, French; grotta, Italian.] A cave; a cavern for coolness and pleasure.

GRO′TTO. n.s. [grotte, French; grotta, Italian.] A cavern or cave made for coolness. It is not used properly of a dark horrid cavern.

Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1755.

Scholars’ Grotto is a digital archive dedicated to the production of quality TEI-compliant texts and other digital humanities projects related to British and American literature, primarily of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

The first project, Day Thoughts: A Digital Edition, is available in Beta form.

The founder and project manager of Scholars’ Grotto is Daniel J. Johnson, PhD, English and Digital Humanities Librian at the University of Notre Dame.

This page last updated August 25, 2016